About Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians


The Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians (MAPP) is the Maine District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association and the only professional organization of psychiatry and psychiatrists dedicated to the state of Maine.

The MAPP Mission


The Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians (MAPP) works toward a future in which there is no mental illness, because high quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment is available to all individuals and their families, and psychiatrists are connected and supported professionally. We do this by advancing the treatment, rehabilitation, and care of persons with mental disorders; advocating for the professional interests of psychiatrists; providing educational opportunities for clinicians, patients, and the public; and building a strong and supportive community among our members.

What Does MAPP Do?

We work…

  • to improve the treatment, rehabilitation, and care of persons with mental disorders (including mental retardation and substance-related disorders);
  • to promote the best interests of patients and those actually or potentially making use of mental health services;
  • to advance the standards of all psychiatric services and facilities;
  • to promote research, professional education in psychiatry and allied fields, and the prevention of psychiatric disabilities;
  • to foster the cooperation of all who are concerned with the medical, psychological, social, and legal aspects of mental health and illness;
  • to make psychiatric knowledge available to practitioners of medicine, to scientists, and to the public;
  • to promote the common professional interests of our members; and
  • to advocate for our members.

MAPP Leadership

Robert McCarley, MD, DFAPA

Daniel Potenza, MD, FAPA

Louisa Barnhart, MD, DLFAPA
Ethics Chair

Sally Cooper, MD

Alyson Maloy, MD
Councilor, Legislative Rep

Mark Bernardo, DO
Resident-Fellow MemberDr. Mark Joshua G. Bernardo DO

Donald McNally, DO
Treasurer & Chair, Finance Committee

Winston Chung, MD

Assembly Rep

Henry Skinner, MD, DFAPA
Past President, Assembly Rep

Hamish Haddow, MD

Jeffrey Barkin, MD, DFAPA
Public Affairs Rep.

Vijay Amarendran, MD, MS
Program Committee Chair

Robbie King, MD
Early Career Psychiatrist

Tracy J Lloyd, M.Ed.
Executive Director

MAPP Committees

Nominations & Elections

Members of this committee will be appointed by the EC. Its responsibilities will be to present a slate of candidates each year for the elected offices established in the By­Laws, to accept additional nominations submitted by the general membership, to conduct an annual election of officers, and to certify the results of that election.


Membership Members of this committee will be appointed by the President­Elect, and approved by the EC. The responsibility of this committee will be to review applications for membership, to recommend action on these applicants to the EC, to present applicants accepted by the EC to the general membership for approval, to review requests for change in status and dues relief, to recommend action on these requests to the EC, to monitor the status of membership in the MPA, and to develop as needed actions to increase and maintain recruitment and retention of members. The Membership Committee will also include the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Fellowship Committee which will function as a subcommittee of the Membership Committee.

Ethics Committee

Members of this committee will be appointed by the President-Elect, and approved by the EC. Responsibilities of this committee will be to conduct ethics investigations and hearings as needed, to provide consultation to members seeking insight and/or guidance on matters involving ethical questions, and to develop an educational program to enlighten the membership from time to time on selected ethical issues.

Finance & Budget

The chair of this committee will be the elected Treasurer of MPA.  Members will be appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the EC.  Responsibilities of this committee will be to review the financial status of the MPA on a periodic basis, to develop an annual budget for expenditures, to monitor and assess the performance of the organization’s investments, to present reports periodically to the EC, and to recommend action as needed by the EC.

Public Affairs

The chair of this committee will be the elected Public Affairs Representative. Members will be appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the EC. Responsibilities of this committee will include, but not be limited to, developing a plan to present this organization to the general public, developing and maintaining relationships with other organizations, and supporting the Disaster Liaison Committee which will function as a subcommittee of the Public Affairs Committee.  The Public Affairs Committee will present reports of its deliberations and action to the EC, and recommend actions as appropriate to the EC.

Legislative & Governmental Affairs

The chair of this committee will be the elected State Legislative Representative, and the elected Federal Representative will serve as Vice-Chair.  Members will be appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the EC.  Responsibilities of this committee will include, but not be limited to, reviewing proposed legislation and governmental action, working with the lobbyist of the Maine Medical Association, working with other organizations addressing legislative and governmental actions, and encouraging and supporting member interaction with the political process.

Program & Education

The chair and members of this committee will be appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the EC. It will be the responsibility of this committee to develop proposals for educational programs for two meetings of the general membership each year, and to present these proposals to the EC for review and acceptance. This committee may become active in developing other educational activities for the organization as appropriate.

Clinical Practice

The chair and members of this committee will be appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the EC. The responsibility of this committee will be to develop interest groups addressing aspects of Psychiatric Practice as needed, and to encourage and support active dialogue within these interest groups. Members of this committee should be active in one or more interest groups, and represent the concerns and proposals of those groups in committee deliberations. This committee will develop action proposals as appropriate and present these to the EC for consideration.

Strategic Planning & Bylaws

The chair and members of this committee will be appointed by the President-Elect and approved by the EC. This committee will be responsible for reviewing the by-laws periodically and recommending changes as needed to the EC for consideration and action. This committee will also be responsible for considering the environment within which Psychiatry must adapt and recommending actions of a strategic nature to enhance the long-term success of the organization in its various endeavors.

Disaster Preparedness

The MAPP Disaster Preparedness Committee was established in 2007. The Chairman Is appointed by the President. The committee Is comprised of MAPP members who have expressed an Interest In disaster response. The purpose of the DPC is to develop policies and procedures for use In responding to declared emergencies and to educate the membership.

Contact MAPP

P.O. Box 190, Manchester, ME 04251-1090
(207) 480-4194

MAPP Resources

The Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians Resources section contains a variety of information contributed by MAPP members and other individuals that we hope will be useful to MAPP members, other psychiatric practitioners, and the interested public.

Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians Membership

Participation is key, and MAPP and APA offer many activities geared to enrich your professional life as well as bring you educational opportunities.
